We, the “DRONE47” can provide a superb view that even Japanese people have not seen yet,

There are many wonderful sceneries and cultures in Japan that can only be seen with a drone.

“I want to spread the goodness of Japan to the world!”

Drone pilots with the same thoughts gathered and DRONE47 was built.

We will deliver special videos from all over 47 prefectures.


YouTube Channel


  • All
  • 観光

福岡県 福岡市 博多区「博多ポートタワー & PIANOLAND」ドローン空撮

福岡県 福岡市「福岡タワー」ドローン空撮

神奈川県 横浜市「みなとみらい 夜景」ドローン空撮

兵庫県 神戸市「神戸ポートタワー 夜景」ドローン空撮

兵庫県 神戸市「神戸ポートタワー 日没」ドローン空撮

兵庫県 神戸市「神戸ポートタワー」ドローン空撮

東京都 新島「シークレット入口(堀切)」ドローン空撮

東京都 新島「羽伏浦海岸 メインゲートpart2」ドローン空撮

東京都 新島「羽伏浦海岸 メインゲート」ドローン空撮

東京都 新島「羽伏浦展望台」ドローン空撮

東京都 新島「奇跡のイルカ」ドローン空撮

東京都 新島「新島灯台&早島」ドローン空撮

For travelers

Start planning your trip by watching the breathtaking drone footages.

Let’s see the unseen beauty of Japan.

To DRONE Pilot

Amazing views of Japan through drone video

Would you like to tell us together?

DRONE47 Community

Discovery of new value that is created by connecting with each other…

People who shoot drone footages, people who watch drone footages, and people who actually visited the site in Japan.

By forming a community of these three parties, we will spread the beauty of the places in Japan, using our drone footages, in a more convenient and sustainable way.

We will bring the beauty of Japan to the world that has yet to be seen.


We, the “DRONE47” can provide an excellent view that even Japanese people have not seen yet,

There are many wonderful sceneries and culturies in Japan that can only be seen/shot using a drone.

“I want to spread the goodness of Japan to the world!”

Drone pilots with the same thoughts gathered and DRONE47 was built.

We will deliver special videos from all over 47 prefectures.

Please also use the frequently asked questions



【延期のお知らせ】第49回 ドローンライブ配信「焼津海上花火大会」




第85回 5/17→5/18へ順延となります。ドローンライブ配信「黒船祭 海上花火大会」




