I lost weight using a drone.

  • Post category:notice

Conclusion!Losing 17kgwas able to do it.
Maximum 78kgI decided to lose weight because of the drone! If I don't lose weight, I'm in trouble.
When I was 78kg...it was hard to move! I didn't exercise! I just ate what I wanted!
I don't drink alcohol, but I live a lifestyle where I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want.

In pursuit of the most spectacular scenery, you can fly over rough roads, mountains, cliffs, etc. Depending on your position,
The scenery you can photograph and the scenery you can see will change.
On the day of the shoot, I fly in an adrenaline-filled, excited state, but I still feel tired the next day, and the day after that...
It was also common for me to lose my balance, fall, and get injured.

The first thing I did was to stop eating convenience store food! I filled up my schedule with appointments and didn't have time to eat!
As I did this, I began to lose weight rapidly.
I also participated in a diet race with six fellow overweight business executives, and we sent each other photos of our weight every morning, and what we ate!
(We won't give in to food terrorism)
After doing that for three months, your awareness will naturally change.61kgIt had become like this.
The clothes I wore also changed, and I was no longer tired even when I went to different locations for shoots, and my body was no longer fatigued the next day.
I want to use my drone to go to more and more places, and I think in 2023 I'll be working hard on filming and taking some great footage.

Drones help you become healthier and stay active.