What is DRONE/47?

  • Post category:notice

More people would like to know about DRONE/47's activities!
Can I participate? Why do you only do so many shoots in Tokyo?
I would like to talk online about our activities and future direction.
We welcome your participation.

Flow of the day...
What is DRONE/47?
・Self-introduction (participants)
→Area of activity・What is your motivation for taking aerial photographs?
- Share past footage
→ Difficult areas in Tokyo and the Ogasawara Islands...
・Getting permission for difficult areas

Everyone who participated had a great time talking about drone aerial photography.

Date: August 3
Time: 19:00-21:00
*You can join/leave at any time.
Location: Online (Zoom)
Participation fee: 0 yen
Participation Zoom URL:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87422885310?pwd=ZlQ2WlpuaDlNZzhtRCt3RzE3VjA4QT09
Meeting ID: 874 2288 5310
Passcode: 448992

Those who don't own a drone but would like to take aerial photos or footage of tourist spots are also welcome to join.
Please feel free to join us.