Are you ready?

  • Post category:notice

Hay fever is so painful!!
When the cherry blossoms bloom, the pollen starts to come in (for me...)

According to Weather News, cherry blossoms are expected to bloom in Tokyo on March 19th.
Please click here for the reference site.

They will scatter in an instant, so please make arrangements, including getting permission.

Last year, when I photographed Meguro River, I was only able to do so at a specified time (from sunrise until around 7:30).
The weather is cloudy! As the expression "cloudy flowers" suggests, do flowers look more beautiful when it's cloudy?
(That's just a photo!)

People who watch drone footage would prefer pink cherry blossoms and blue skies,
Things don't always go smoothly during the cherry blossom season.
Cloudy, rainy and windy!
I hope to take the best possible photo.
There will be a lot of people out and about, so please be careful when taking photos. (Stay safe.)