Hokkaido "Whale"

  • Post category:notice

Hokkaido Whale Watching

Whale watching is a marine activity where you board a boat to observe wild whales. The sight of whales swimming leisurely is very impressive, and the sight of whales living in their natural environment is truly moving. If you're lucky, you can also see impressive scenes such as whales diving into the sea and jumping up close.

There are areas in Hokkaido where whale watching is available all year round, but the best season is said to be from March to October.
There is a particularly high chance of encountering sperm whales on sunny days in August and September.
By the way, it is said that you have a high chance of encountering beaked whales in March, April and August to October, and minke whales from May to July. It's a good idea to choose the time of your visit depending on the type of whale you want to see.