Kagoshima representative decided!

  • Post category:notice

Today, a drone pilot based in Kagoshima Prefecture
He sympathized with DRONE/47's activities and decided to participate.

In the future, we will be introducing famous sightseeing spots and remote islands in Kagoshima.
・Shishijima, Katsurajima, Shishijima, Katsurajima, Koshikijima, Kami-Koshikijima, Naka-Koshikijima, Shimo-Koshikijima, Mishima, Kuroshima, Takeshima, Iwo Jima, Tanegashima, Yakushima, Kuchinoerabujima, Toshima, Takarajima, Kotakarajima, Akusekijima, Kuchinoshima, Nakanoshima, Suwanosejima, Tairashima, Amami Oshima, Kakeromajima, Ukejima, Yorojima, Kikaijima, Tokunoshima, Okinoerabujima, Yoronjima
Tourist spots such as these will be featured in DRONE/47.

We are still looking for drone pilots to become members of DRONE/47.
Let's promote tourism and liven up our local area.