Flying just above the water is so cool!

  • Post category:notice

I once thought it would be really cool to fly just above the water with a DJI FPV, so I tried it many times!
But there are a few things to be careful of.

❶Branch! !
❷Fog! !
❹GPS! !

I can really see how cool it is! It's all about staying close to the water's surface...
The footage of a river flowing backwards can only be captured by a drone!
I've been through a lot of close calls and crashes.

Please be extremely careful when flying, and follow the instructions above from ❶ to ❹.
In particular, the mist from ❷ had me breaking out in a cold sweat twice!
The first time was at Kozu Ranch in Gunma Prefecture (altitude 1000m)
→ We are flying through the fog!
Everything went black in front of my eyes! Realizing this wasn't good, I stopped the stick and waited a bit.
The image still hasn't returned, so next is RTH (return to home).*1I was able to get it back.

The second time, I was going against the current of the Doshi River and hit a branch, but I didn't fall!
I felt in danger.

When using RTH (Return to Home), please check the pre-settings.
There are a few things to note.

❶The drone will automatically return to the takeoff point (home point).
Not a place for pilots!
If the pilot moves position after takeoff, the drone will return to the location where it took off, not to the pilot.
*When taking off, it may be best to avoid moving forward or ascending until you hear the announcement "Home point has been updated."

❷ If the aircraft determines that automatic return is not possible, for example because the distance or altitude of the aircraft exceeds the return line in relation to the remaining battery charge, it will begin landing on the spot, so be careful.
If this happens while flying over water or somewhere that cannot be recovered, the drone will definitely crash.
Example: The low battery RTH function was activated while using the drone over the ocean, but the wind was so strong that it consumed more battery power than necessary, causing the drone to "land on the spot" and land (fall) in the ocean.
*There may be individual differences depending on the aircraft and temperature, but when the remaining charge reaches around 30%, it may be best to end the flight and return the aircraft.

❸ Be careful as firmware updates may reset your settings!

*1 What is RTH (Return to Home)?
RTH (Return to Home) is a safety feature installed on remote controlled flying devices such as drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
This function is automatically activated when certain conditions are met and causes the aircraft to automatically return to a pre-defined home point.
Below are the main features and benefits of RTH:

  1. Safety: This acts as a safety feature to prevent the operator from losing the drone if the drone experiences communication problems or low battery.
    This reduces the risk of the drone flying off to a remote location or crashing due to a dead battery.
  2. Simplicity: The RTH function eliminates the need to manually pilot the drone, making it easy and effective to return home in an emergency.
    This is useful for beginners who are not confident in their piloting skills or when flying very far.
  3. Setting the home point: The operator sets the home point before flying. The home point specifies the place where the drone should return to. Usually, the place where the drone took off is set as the home point.
  4. Altitude and Attitude Control: The RTH function maintains the appropriate altitude during return flight and descends from a safe altitude.
    It also adjusts the drone's attitude to ensure a safe and stable return.
  5. Obstacle Avoidance: Some of the latest drone models are equipped with obstacle detection sensors and the RTH function has the ability to avoid obstacles.
    This reduces the risk of hitting an obstacle on the way back.
  6. One-button operation: In many cases, the RTH function can be activated with a single button.
    This makes the return operation very easy.
  7. Low Battery Warning: When the drone's battery drops to a certain level, the RTH function will automatically activate and return the drone home before the battery runs out.

The RTH feature is a key factor in improving drone operation safety and reliability when flying in remote areas.
However, in order to set it up correctly and use it safely, you will need to fully understand the drone's instruction manual and practice.

DJI FPV is great!
If you want to improve your drone operation, practice FPV! I think you will become better at operating a drone.
My drone piloting skills have also improved since I started filming with the DJI FPV.
Please come and experience DJI FPV.

Goggles antenna remote controller fpv quadcopter drone for aerial photography and videography rear view.