Special permission was granted for Mikomoto Island.

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Islands are fascinating!
Why was a lighthouse built there?
What does the lighthouse mean?
Just thinking about it makes you excited, doesn't it?

DRONE47 explores lesser known places such as remote islands and lighthouses.
I will continue taking photos.

This time, we will have the special opportunity to take photos of Mikomoto Island.
If the conditions are right, I think it will be an incredibly valuable piece of footage.
Stay tuned…

What is Mikomoto Island?
Mikomoto Island is an island in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Shimoda City, Shizuoka Prefecture, in the southern part of the Izu Peninsula, about 11 kilometers south of Shimoda Port and about 9 kilometers east-southeast of Cape Irozaki.

What is Mikomotoshima Lighthouse?
It is the oldest stone lighthouse remaining in Japan that has retained its original appearance. It was designed by R. H. Brunton, the father of Japanese lighthouses.
In May 1866, the shogunate signed a tax reform treaty (the Edo Treaty) with the United States, Britain, the Netherlands, and France. This was one of the eight lighthouses at that time.
The lighthouse was constructed using Izu stone quarried from Cape Ebisu in Shimoda, with the upper section using the double tail method of fitting the joints, while the top, bottom, left and right joints of the middle and lower sections were made with quick-form cement made by firing volcanic ash from Inatori on the Izu Peninsula and limestone from Nashimoto.
The maintenance work was carried out in conjunction with the earthquake resistance reinforcement project in fiscal 1995.
"About lighthouses" Tokoukai Public Interest Incorporated Association

The charm of the lighthouse!

1. Guardian of the Sea: Lighthouses play an important role in ensuring the safety of ships at sea. As such, they are considered to be the guardians of the sea, and their existence has significance for maritime history and safety.

2. Unique appearance: Lighthouses generally have a unique look and stand out from the surrounding landscape. Their tall towers, colorful paintwork and unique designs add to their visual appeal.

3: Navigation assistance: Lighthouses function as guides to help ships navigate safely at night or in bad weather. Their light guides the way out to sea, and are a trusted presence for sailors.

4. Romantic imageLighthouses are often built in isolated locations and their surroundings are perceived as romantic and dreamy. For many, lighthouses are symbols of love and adventure.

5. History and CultureLighthouses often have a historical background and are often linked to the history and culture of the region. Their historical value and role enhance their appeal as tourist destinations.

6. Perpetual LightThe sight of a lighthouse emitting light at regular intervals is said to bring a sense of security and hope. The sight of the light shining continuously attracts people's hearts.

7. Photo spot: Lighthouses are popular spots for taking landscape photos and travel memories. The beautiful backdrop of the sea and the appearance of the tower make them photogenic.

8. Access points to the area: The areas where lighthouses are located often have beautiful coastlines and natural environments, making them easy access points for tourists.

The appeal of lighthouses is a combination of their historical significance, scenery, romantic imagery, etc. For people, lighthouses often remain deeply in their memories as landmarks and symbols of security.

Shimoda City Tourism Association Website